månadsarkiv: december 2022
Visning av filmen Tobiasz

Varmt välkomna till filmvisningar av ”Tobiasz” och mötet med skaparna bakom filmen, den polska teatergruppen Teatr Exit: den 15 december kl. 19 i S:ta Eugenia i Stockholm, den 16 december kl. 19 i Svenska Kyrkan i Umeå och den 19 december kl. 19 i Nattavaara Folkets Hus. Fri entré! Polska institutet Stockholm är en av samarbetspartners.
God Jul & Gott Nytt År önskar polskakongressen.org
Martial Law in Poland 1981—1983

In 1981, the communist authorities proclaimed the Martial Law in Poland to regain control of the society and curb the opposition with a demonstration of power, limitation of civil liberties, and application of force at mid-level commanders’ discretion.
Join us by supporting our Ukraine Animal (and people too) Rescue Convoys
We all know that there is hell in Ukraine now. Not only people suffer, but also animals. Frightened dogs need help and food. Any food. Without human support, they have no chance of survival. The animals will be transported from Ukraine to Poland and placed here in temporary homes and other places that have offered help. We are lucky to have a professional means of transport for the transport of dogs and we can take as many as 30 at a time. We operate as a #traczerteam efficiently, quickly and effectively in a small group of friends, competitors and athletes. We have already had 10 convoys organized and carried out since the beginning of the war. Our trips look like this, that in that direction we carry food on average in 4-7 cars, including several trailers (so far we have already transported over 50 tons, we have evacuated over 200 dogs and several dozen people), bowls, leashes, collars, blankets, lairs, drugs, military equipment … and we’re back with dogs, cats, children and women.