I oktober blir det 1 år sedan Alfred Trzęsowski gick bort, AK-soldat,deltagare av Warszawaupproret1944 (bataljon Chrobry II), konstruktör i 🇸🇪. Idag la @pruszkiewicz blommor på hans grav åt Polska institutets vägnar. Vi minns!
— Polska institutet Stockholm (@PLinstStockholm) August 1, 2023
Ära åt våra hjältar!#WarsawUprising #WeRemember https://t.co/p97WPRfXFu pic.twitter.com/cXavlG4X7t
Dagsarkiv: 01/08/2023
79. Anniversary of the Warsaw Rising
On August 1, 1944, at 5 p.m., after almost 5 years of occupation, the people of Warsaw stood up to fight. In retaliation, the Nazis razed the city to the ground, but this act demonstrated the steadfastness of Poles in the fight for a free homeland.
the Warsaw Rising Museum – https://www.1944.pl/en/article/there-is-always-love.-79.-anniversary-of-the-war,5399.html